Deleuzions of Grandeur

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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Group Meeting postponed this week

Hey everyone,

In case you didn’t get the email James sent out earlier today, we will not be meeting today (9/23) because it would conflict with our colloquium at 4:30. Normally we’d try to reschedule for Thursday, but we also have Illuminations this Thursday (9/25), so our reading group will reconvene next Tuesday (9/30). Need your weekly dose of Deleuze? Ron Bogue, the speaker at Thursday’s Illuminations, has written extensively on Deleuze, so it’s worth coming to hear him speak.



Link to SEP for general purposes

I was spending the evening poking around Deleuze’s Bergsonism book and in an attempt to understand Deleuze’s notion of the ‘virtual’ I made my way to the SEP article on Deleuze, which was co-authored by our very own Dan Smith along with John Protevi. I thought this might be helpful to have the link on the blog because it provides pretty accessible and helpful general information, and in Section 2 (Deleuze’s Readings of Other Philosophers) there is a nice written description of a lot of the historical stuff that Dan talked about during our first meeting. Also, in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Section 2, the Bergsonian notions of the ‘virtual’ and ‘multiplicity’ seem to be closely related to a lot of what we were talking about today in terms of an underlying difference, multiplicitous unity, and other central themes. I thought this was interesting and perhaps a reason to look at some Bergson/Deleuze stuff at some point during the reading group. Anyone interested should cf. chapter 2 of Deleuze’s Bergsonism book.

Malabou’s Criticism of the Different Nietzsche

I think Jason had mentioned wanting to look into some criticisms of Deleuze’s Nietzsche. Other than Alain Badiou’s well known book on Deleuze, this article of Malabou’s strikes my fancy.

Parrhesia – Malabou – Eternal Return and the Phantom of Difference

Deleuze and the Eternal Return

There was talk of posting papers to be read, discussed, and criticized.

Here’s something I wrote a year ago on Deleuze’s interpretation of the Eternal Return. I’d like to make it longer; in particular, the end discussion on Badiou and Malabou. Zarathustra in “On Friendship” says “‘At least be my enemy!’ – thus speaks true reverend, which does not dare ask for friendship.” Your critical commentary is much appreciated. There’s no need to sugarcoat any criticism you may have with my writing or with my content; I’m sure it will make my writing better.

May the lamb be sacrificed for the group!

Transvaluation in Deleuze’s Selective Interpretation – Pacific APA

It was either this or “Dazed and Deleuzed”

This is a blog for our Deleuze reading group at Purdue. We’re starting with Nietzsche and Philosophy, which you can find here. We’re aiming to have discussions on the first two chapters – “The Tragic” and “Active and Reactive” – when next we meet (9/16). We’ll be in the philosophy lounge on the 7th floor of Beering at 4:30.

Meanwhile, if you’ve got specific interests or questions, or you just want to comment, feel free to make a post!

Looking forward to our discussions!

