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Monthly Archives: January 2015

Finishing our discussion of the Third Chapter of Difference and Repetition

Our next reading group meeting will be Tuesday, 1/27, at 4:30 in the Philosophy lounge. We’re about halfway through Chapter Three of Difference and Repetition.

Correction – First meeting of the semester will be on Tuesday, 1/20

My apologies! I meant to post that our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 1/20, not on Monday, 1/19. Sorry for the confusion!

I’ve edited my previous post to reflect this correction.


CORRECTED – Reading Group will Resume 1/20/2015

Hi everyone! I hope you had a good break. Now that the next semester is upon us, it’s time to get back into the swing of things.

Our next group meeting will be at 4:30 on January 20th in the Philosophy lounge. We will be talking about chapter 3 of Difference and Repetition, “The Image of Thought.” We should probably begin with a recap of the first of second chapters, though, so we’re all on the same page (if you’ll forgive the pun).

Hope to see you there!


Jason Rose

PS: If anyone has scheduling issues with our usual time this semester, shoot me an email or make a post and we will try to figure out a time that works for everyone.

EDIT: Typo in the date has been corrected from 1/19 to 1/20.